In this delightful and engaging children’s story, Angel Rai and the Slow-Eating Surprise, readers are introduced to Angel Rai, a bright and playful young girl with a small, but troublesome habit—she takes forever to finish her meals! No matter how much her mother, Angie, reminds her to eat faster, Angel Rai is always distracted, turning every meal into a long, slow event. One day, after countless warnings, Angel Rai learns that her mother’s playful caution about turning into a cockroach might not be just a silly joke. As Angel Rai takes her time once again, something magical and strange happens—she suddenly transforms into a tiny, scurrying cockroach! Now stuck in this new form, Angel faces a world that’s far too big and overwhelming, as she navigates through the kitchen, feeling small, alone, and missing out on all her favorite things. This humorous and magical adventure teaches Angel Rai an important lesson about valuing time, finishing tasks, and the importance of eating well. With each page, children will follow Angel Rai's journey of self-discovery, empathy, and understanding, realizing that small habits, like taking too long to finish your food, can have big consequences. Angel Rai and the Slow-Eating Surprise is a heartwarming tale that blends fun with a valuable lesson, perfect for young readers who may struggle with similar mealtime challenges. Full of lively illustrations, relatable situations, and a touch of magic, this story encourages kids to develop healthy habits, learn the importance of listening to their parents, and, most importantly, enjoy the time they save when they finish their food on time! Perfect for ages 3-8, this engaging ebook is ideal for bedtime reading, family storytime, or early readers learning to manage time and develop good habits in a fun and imaginative way.